Partan Bree (Scottish Crab Soup)

Calories: 233.7|Fat: 10.3|Carbohydrates: 16.7|Protein: 18 | 55 minutes
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Partan Bree, a Scottish delicacy, combines cooked crab meat, rice, and flavorful spices for a comforting soup experience with a spicy twist.
partan bree scottish crab soup
Partan Bree, a cherished dish from North-East Scotland, marries the sweetness of crab meat with the creaminess of rice and milk. Its name, derived from “partan” for crab and “bree” for soup, reflects its essence. This hearty soup, seasoned with a touch of anchovy puree and a hint of tabasco, delivers a comforting warmth with every spoonful. Traditionally served garnished with parsley and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper, Partan Bree offers a delightful fusion of flavors and textures, evoking the coastal charm and culinary heritage of Scotland’s northeastern shores.

Why You’ll Like It

  • Made with crabs and anchovies.
  • Another Scottish delicacy.
  • Easy to make.


For the Perfect Partan Bree

  • Ensure to blend the rice mixture until smooth to achieve a creamy consistency.
  • Gradually incorporate the cream to prevent curdling.
  • Adjust the amount of tabasco and cayenne pepper according to personal spice preference.
  • Garnish with freshly chopped parsley just before serving for a burst of freshness.

What You Need

  • Seafood – Use freshly cooked crab meat
  • Anchovy puree – Subs anchovy puree with Worcestershire sauce.
  • Rice – Swap wholegrain rice with white rice or barley for a different texture.
  • Herbs & Spices – Use Tabasco sauce, cayenne pepper,  freshly ground pepper and chopped parsley.  Experiment with different herbs like dill or chives for a slightly different flavour. 
  • Stock – Use fish stock or subs with chicken stock.
  • Dairy – Semi-skimmed milk, whole milk or single cream work well. For dairy-free use soya milk. 

Save Partan Bree For Later

  • Leftovers: Store any leftover soup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat gently on the stovetop, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
  • Make ahead: Partan Bree can be prepared ahead of time up to the point of adding cream. Simply cool and refrigerate the soup, then reheat and add cream just before serving.

Goes Well With

Crusty bread or oatcakes are perfect for soaking up the flavorful soup.

A side salad with fresh greens and a tangy vinaigrette can balance the richness of the soup.

A platter of Scottish cheeses and pickles.

Health Info

  • Calories: 233.7
  • Sugar: 6.5
  • Sodium: 651.8
  • Fat: 10.3
  • Carbohydrates: 16.7
  • Fiber: 0.7
  • Protein: 18

Partan Bree (Scottish Crab Soup) Recipe

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Servings 4 people
Calories 233.7kcal


Partan Bree, a Scottish delicacy, combines cooked crab meat, rice, and flavorful spices for a comforting soup experience with a spicy twist.


  • Medium-sized saucepan.
  • Blender or food processor.


  • 225 g (8 oz) cooked crab meat, separated into brown and white
  • 50 g (2 oz) wholegrain rice
  • 450 ml semi-skimmed milk
  • 300 ml fish stock made with half the amount of fish stock cube
  • ½ tsp anchovy puree or half the amount
  • 8 drops tabasco adjust to taste
  • 1 pinch pepper adjust to taste
  • 150 ml single cream or semi-skimmed milk
  • 2 tbsp finely chopped parsley
  • 1 pinch cayenne pepper adjust to taste


  • In a medium-sized saucepan, cook the rice in milk until soft, adding fish stock if needed to maintain a soup-like consistency.
  • Blend the cooked rice mixture with the brown crab meat until smooth using a blender or food processor.
  • Return the blended mixture to the saucepan and stir in the fish stock, anchovy puree, tabasco, and pepper. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil.
  • Add the white crab meat to the soup and heat through.
  • Gradually stir in the cream, ensuring not to let the soup boil.
  • Garnish the soup with finely chopped parsley and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper. Serve hot and enjoy!

Recipe Notes:

  1. For the Perfect Partan Bree – Blend the rice mixture until smooth for a creamy consistency. Gradually add cream to prevent curdling. Adjust Tabasco and cayenne pepper to taste. Garnish with fresh parsley before serving.
  2. Storing –
    • Leftovers: Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat gently, stirring occasionally.
    • Make-Ahead: Prepare ahead up to adding the cream. Cool and refrigerate, then reheat and add cream before serving.
  3. Serve With:  Crusty bread or oatcakes, side salad with fresh greens and tangy vinaigrette or a platter of Scottish cheeses and pickles
  4. Seafood: Freshly cooked crab meat
  5. Anchovy Puree: Substitute with Worcestershire sauce
  6. Rice: Use white rice or barley for a different texture
  7. Herbs & Spices: Tabasco, cayenne pepper, freshly ground pepper, chopped parsley (experiment with dill or chives)
  8. Stock: Fish stock or substitute with chicken stock
  9. Dairy: Semi-skimmed milk, whole milk, single cream, or soya milk for dairy-free

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